Parrot's AR. Drone Helicopter

The brand Parrot, is well known for their bluetooth accessories for entertainment and convenience.. Some that I know are..
Pepe the Parrot USB Gadget

Digital Messaging Switch Plate

Bluetooth Digital Photo Frame

Lol.. I hope it isn't peeping *zips mouth*
Anyway, here are some pictures of the model.

Android 2.1
Some of you might not know what Android is. Well, it is an operating system running on Linux kernel. Initially developed by Android Inc., the firm is later purchased by Google, then lately by Open Handset Alliance.
In my opinion, I think that this operating system is very amazing. In fact, I think it is better than Symbian operating system which is mainly used by Nokia smartphones. Judging from the interface, it's so beautiful and sophisticated. My words won't be able to express it, but have a look at the pictures below.. (pictures provided by

Rumours have it that the Android 2.1 will be implemented in HTC Hero. We'll have to wait for the source to confirm the news. The predecessor of the Android 2.1 which is Android 2.0 is popularly known to be running in Sony Erricsson's Xperia X10. I would love the X10 if it is Qwerty too, but too bad it isn't *sob*
X2 has qwerty and touchscreen but it isn't running in Android, sigh.. Looks like perfection is hard to achieve, lol..
The X10 looks very cool, check it out!

Asus announced and demonstrated a stunningly powerful lappy not long ago this year during the CES(Consumer Electronics Show) 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This lappy was designed by Bang & Olufsen's chief designer, David Lewis. With a polished aluminium exterior, the laptop looks so elegant and has a class of its own. This laptop has something unique, a dual gargantuan touch-pad!!

ASUS claims that the dual touch-pad feature will allow a 'DJ turntable'-like experience. Dig the screenshots, cool!!

The specifications of the laptop are as shown below, it is 'crazy' *smiles*

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