Thursday, May 20, 2010

Something New To Me!

Last few days, I didn't work much, it was half day for me only since all I do was supervise..
While I was supervising, I watched my all time favourite Onegai Sensei!

Man, I miss everything about this anime, I love the storyline so so much, no other animes can replace this anime, touching and funny =)
How I wish this anime was longer, it only had 13 episodes including the OVA, boo~

I even watched Pandorum (2009 movie) before it was 1pm.

Movie was so so only, not that thrilling.
I watched this halfway and left when it's 1pm.
Mom wanted Filet O' Fish, so I drove to TC.
As I saw this banner..

I immediately ordered the Double Spicy Chicken McDeluxe!!
Since it's half day, I rushed home to savour my burger, muahaha!

Continued my movie while eating =D

By the way, there will be a new ice cream bar in town, hope they have a variety of ice cream, especially my favourite Häagen-Dazs =D

Any of you recognize the place?
I'll bring my girl and friends over soon enough, woohoo!!

A few days ago, it was raining very often, I like sleeping during the rain, it's really cold and the feeling's great!

I'll blog soon, later readers~