Not for the 'weak hearted'. It's a IMAGE HEAVY POST!! XD
I'm on noon shift. Before work, I rushed to get my girl some fish porridge near K&Y since she was suffering from some stomach problem, poor her..
Did the normal thing, ironed the new promo tees and served customers. During break time, I went to My Coffee Cafe (it's the row of shophouses behind JR). Had my usual order, fried rice with salted fish, economical and tasty =)
Did the normal thing, ironed the new promo tees and served customers. During break time, I went to My Coffee Cafe (it's the row of shophouses behind JR). Had my usual order, fried rice with salted fish, economical and tasty =)
I was looking so forward to Earth Hour!
However, when the time approaches, we did not manage to off the light *sighing*
Felt a little upset for not being able to participate in this moment. As far as I could see, only Mango and Nike off the lights.
At that moment, I felt reluctant to leave, they were all so good to me..Felt a little upset for not being able to participate in this moment. As far as I could see, only Mango and Nike off the lights.
(saw anything?)
(at least Mango off more than half of the lights)
It's morning shift for me. And also, my LAST DAY of WORKING at QUIKSILVER . Did the cleaning chores, I chose to sweep the whole store. As I was doing that, I swept something..
Now, here's a clearer look..
Break time was rather a satisfying one, hehe.. KFC!! Bon apetite!! Never had it for quite some time, missing all the crunchiness!! *mouth waters*
Ariff was having his off day but he came to visit and do some shopping with his girl.

(took this without his awareness, kekeke..)
Before I left, everyone bid farewell to me. Kak Nik gave me a hug *warmness*
It was like being in a family with them, haha. Working with them was fun! =)
I had to rush back home because it's family day, we would have dinner outside.
And so..
For the appetizer, I ordered Pigs In Blankets for my family to try =D
Mom said that sauce is mustard but it tasted like wasabi to me.
Does mustard taste like wasabi? Explain =)
I ordered Lamb Cutlet, yum yum!!
Tasty, love the garlic and parsley!
Sirloin Steak!!
Mom ordered this, Grilled Ham!!
It's the latest recipe in Black Pearl, appetizing! =D
Little brother and grandmother ordered this.
Black Pearl's signature dish, the Pork Fillet!
After that, we watched The Tooth Fairy =)
Enjoyed the movie, it was entertaining!
I had to work for my family this week. Not the house chores, but with a store revamp!!
To think that I could have a small break after ending my job, but it never stops. Work just loves to haunt me. I can't even spend time with my girl and my friends, sob.. ;'(
Well, have a look at the place.. What a mess..
Tons of LD's and CD's, they were used when my parents still had karaoke and disco few years back.
With so many thrash and unwanted items, we required a very big transport to load all those and dispose of them while a few others would be transferred to another store in Kuantan Garden @_@
Most of the old LD's and CD's were loaded into the MyVi back to my house.
Gosh, pity my car..
These items would be sold as secondhand. Garage sale!! XD
And there goes my whole day.
Had dinner at home, mom and grandma cooked. And after that, we watched Shutter Island!
To me, this movie wasn't that interesting, I got confused a little though I understand the movie. It's quite a long movie, expected already that there will be a lot of dialogues =X
Mom and little brother dozed off watching this movie, LOL~
The rest of the week won't be that interesting because it will be just rough work, never enjoyed it. Nothing much to say for this week, I suppose.
By the way, guess what food this is and where I ate it. It's quite popularly known in Kuantan. Guess it!
Have fun people! =D